The Best Concert Ever

In my life I have not gone to many concerts, only 3, but if I can choose one as my favorite, that would be the Eladio Carrión concert in 2022. This concert was at the Movistar Arena in Santiago de Chile, and I was lucky enough to be in the VIP court, in the front row. It was approximately 2 hours of excitement, there was incredible energy, everyone jumping and singing the songs. Eladio Carrión is my favorite singer, he sings mainly trap and has hits like Coco Chanel, Mbappe or 3 Am, but my favorite song is Todo o Nada. I went to this concert with 3 friends, we arrived at 11:00 in order to get a good seat at the concert, this sacrifice was totally worth it, since we managed to have one of the best days of our lives. There were also people who did not have a very good time, since due to the jumps and all the crowded people, they fainted and had to be removed by stepping over people, not being able to enjoy the concert. For my part, I had the best concert of my life.


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